Thursday, 14 September 2017

Smart Tips for Self-Study

Self Study and Smart study

168! That’s exactly the number of hours in a week. Being a student, each one of you feels that the time you get for exam preparation is not enough.Students find themselves unable to complete their syllabus for exams.
It is not any rocket science becoming a good learner and score better than average marks in exams.It just needs a little bit more.This little bit more is nothing but the efforts called self-learning or, more precisely, it is self-studying. Apart from school and coaching, students must also study at home themselves.But the point where they feel stuck is,how should they maintain a balance between their learning at school, coaching and home? This panics the inner self of a student especially when the exams are approaching. It is at this point you need to work smart and not hard.For an efficient and smart learning, you need to follow some smart tips for self-studying.

1.Grab the Information in Different Ways
Do not stick to just one method of studying. Explore different ways of studying. This will help you get the information more quickly without getting bored.

Students must review themselves regularly. This can be done through tests, quick recaps etc. This will help students to evaluate themselves if they are prepared or not.

3.Study Multiple Subjects Each Day
Do not study only one subject the whole day like studying Math on Monday, Physics on Tuesday, and Geography on Wednesday and so on. Instead, study each subject each day at regular intervals. This will help you get different topics every day. Also, you will not feel bored studying same topic the whole day.

4.Periodic Revisions
Instead of cramming the topic just one day, revise it on a regular basis. This will help you improve your memory for the better. You can transform your short-term memory into long-term memory. Periodic revisions also help in understanding the topic a little more each time.

5.Avoid Multitasking
Some students often prefer doing more than one task simultaneously. This ends up in confusion and at last none of the work is done. Students must focus on a single task at a time. They must not read any subject while intermittently doing other tasks like watching TV, listening to songs, having snacks and much more.

6.Prepare a Methodology
Always prepare a strategy for studying. This will help you to equally concentrate on all the important topics covered in the class.

7.Take Notes
Important points and paragraphs should be marked or noted down. This will help in completing a certain topic faster. It will also be helpful while revising the chapter again. Students can revise only the importantly marked points. Also, it will improve your writing speed and give you a good practice.

8.Complete difficult topics early
The topics which are difficult should be finished early. This will be helpful at the time of revision. When the difficult topics are revised, all the information can be easily retained. The student will not panic while revising them because he knows that difficult topics just need a little bit of revision.

9.Write Your Strengths and Weakness
This is an important step in preparation. This will help you explore yourself. You can easily identify the topics you are good at and need less attention, and the topics you are bad at which need time and attention both.

10.Take Regular Breaks
You all might have heard, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” This quote has real meaning in this context. Studying continuously for the whole day will make you dumb and depressed. So, it should be avoided. Refreshing breaks are essential at regular intervals to soothe your mind and body. There are many ways to refresh yourself such as walking for 5 to 10 minutes, playing games, listening to songs, having tea or coffee and much more.

So, next time when you start getting nightmares before the exam, don’t panic, just work smart and follow these smart tips. Get started today for a better learning experience and score flying colours. 

                                                                                    Written by: Shalini Chauhan